How To Make Money With Blogging 2020

How To Make Money With Blogging 2020

How to make money with blogging 2020 and  is this even possible what is going on on everyone during this post I'm getting to show you some easy methods how you'll start making money blogging and I'm gonna show you my very own results i'm a full-time blogger and i am gonna share with you exactly how i'm going about making money blogging in my very own business.

Make Money With Blogging 2020 

how to make money online

My future tutorials as soon as I post them give me a quick share on this post as well and on this blog you're gonna learn about how to make money online with blogger blog

make money online

About blogger blogging, and about website traffic generation so let's get into the actual post here is exactly what we're going to be talking about in this post.

make money

We're going to talking about my blogging journey or story and my results I'm gonna take you back a little bit and show you exactly how I started my very first web site or blog and everything else and then we're gonna talk about how you can start making money with blogging for yourself.

I'm gonna give you a step-by-step outline of exactly what you would like to try to do to get started also.

So my blogging story so guys I started my first blog in 2010 so it was now a long time ago it's actually quite shocking to think that that was back 9 years ago but I start my first blog website was in a digital satellite receiver software niche I'm gonna show you the website even in just a second But.

Basically virtually straight away my blog website took off and I started earning from it from a number of different ways I was doing Google Adsense ads I was doing eBay advisement on my blog website and I started making between five and six thousand a month.

Right away I was hooked because all of this was from free traffic this was the very 1st thing that happened to me.

As soon as I started down this blogging journey and basically since then for the past ten years I've been a blogger I haven't done this full-time for the ten years I quit my full-time job in 2019 so for almost 1 years ago.

Now I was working for a my own business and it was quite scary to let go of my full-time profit you know because I've got a wife I've got a family to look after god my parents my mum and bro as well but that very first success back in 2006 really hooked me and it showed me that it is possible.
To make really really good money just from having a any blog essentially you know it's completely passive and from then on and I scaled up I was learning few more things.
But I bet you want to see my blog and exactly how I did it so I'm just gonna show you that quickly let me just jump over into the other post so I have this blog website.
Back then that was the very first blog website that I set up review drivers purchasable calm that was my domain so I've pulled it over here on the online archive on the way back machine I have let go since of that blog website.
I'm gonna get to that in just a second exactly what happened there but basically it was a very simple looking blog site as you can see there was some satellite software and guide tips and articles and also what I was posting was some reviews of drivers basically.
And I did all this myself you can see that the posts are really really short it was like 100 to 200 words per post and that was part of the problem I'm gonna get to that in just a second but this was my very first website. 
you know  I was essentially learning right as i used to be doing it I made these posts all of those were actually eBay partner Network ads so if you register with eBay they provide you this special code you insert into the page.
It was super easy to try to do and every of those pages you recognize literally took me like 10 minutes to line up so I created this website in a matter of days probably within a week I made this whole website and that i started winning specialized money I'm now inside my eBay Partner Network account and you'll see that in 2018 in April as soon.
As I set it up you know that I started making money just 32 then hundred 76 625 you know guys 1783 then dollars so it took off really really fast I was making money from some other ways.
On it also I had other sorts of ads are the kinds of affiliate links but II buy partner network your know was one that I just wanted to demo here for you so with an easy website like that i used to be getting that much money you recognize I just went on to repeat this process time and time again with several other website.
And that quite got me started down this blogging path so that takes me back you know in my memories hopefully you guys found this also useful as well I just wanted to share with you kind of a little bit of my history of how I got into blogging so let's jump back to the presentation  Now. 
So how do you actually make money with blogger blogging how does it all work well the whole concept just just in case you quite of brand-new to the present is that it really is all about creating content it doesn't need to be anything complicated the content are often very simple and that i believe personally that blogging may be a very very newbie friendly thing anyone can start a blog.
Even if English is not your first language my first language is actually urdu I migrated to pakistan when I wasn 21 so I'm not a native English speaker but I make all of my websites blog in English.
English so if English isn't your mother tongue you'll still do blogging, a 100% guarantee everyone was a newbie I was a newbie when I started I actually knew nothing about satellite receivers I never even modify receiver up until 2017.
But I just started an internet  site simply because my research showed that it is a profit'able niche OK and as you create this content on your blog or website.
When your YouTube channel on the social platforms basically your job as a blogger is to attract viewers okay so if you can get people to read your content to come to your web pages or perhaps to view your YouTube videos were to check out you post on social media.
You can make money from it it's as simple as that as long as you can attract your YouTube viewers to your content whether it's a video or a blog post on your site.
You can make money, I'm gonna get to that in just a second exactly how you earn, the money, we just saw I want to make sure that this basic concept is actually clear for that your job is to just attract eyeballs to your content.
All right and then you can monetize that you own content that's exactly how this actually works so where can you create best content well I recommend and personal my personal experience is with creating content on 2 big platform. so the first channel is my blog website I run several different blog websites and my second channel is YouTube platform.
I run this YouTube channel the best tutorial it's quite a new YouTube channel you can see the growth that I achieved on this new YouTube channel in fab 2019 you can see that I was getting virtually like a couple of hundred views a day for a very long time and then around May Jun my content picked up and you just started growing more and more and more.
From them these are the top two Platforms that I personally use that I believe anyone even a complete beginner in any niche can start using today creating a website and then making videos in YouTube now.
Guys YouTube is optional okay your website is additionally optional you'll just do YouTube you'll be like a video blogger or you can just do written big or best content that's completely fine as well.
But I think that combining the two platform is also a really really good strategy that is what I personally do but just in case you don't want to make your videos you don't have to make videos you can actually just make written very best content I'm gonna show you a ton of examples in just few second hopefully you clear on that.
That you know you can either do a written a post on your blog or site you can make videos or you can do both that's completely up to you now we're getting into the example so how do people actually discover your content and what kind of content you can do and create and how do the people actually discover you it there are a few different ways.
I am going to show you examples of each of them but my top sources of page views to my content are Google search YouTube search and social platforms like Pinterest so let's jump over into the a internet web browser and I'm going to show you examples of each one and exactly how that works.
So the first one we're going to talk about is Google search result everyday there are billions of others people putting in billions of other different things into search and one of other things that people might be putting in are things like how to make earn money with blog.
Okay and if someone puts in are there how to make money, earn money, with blog they will see that there are a number of web search results that are coming up and the third results down here is my blog surajkudari make money. okay so if someone clicks on this particular result they will come to my website that's my travel blog travel comm and there will read the information to see if there are how to earn money and as they read this information they're going to see ads as you'll see here.
See there are sponsored links these are ads so if someone comes to my blog site and clicks one of those ads I will get paid good money so that's how simple and easy this is.
This is completely and passive or ads as someone just comes in types in stuff like this into Google search come to my blog website click on my ads and I get paid the more of these you create the more of these types posts you create the more money you can make. 
It's as simple so there is there is no lack of traffic you can get traffic in any of niche you know whether it's a travel niche or business niche like my websites I've also got two more web sites in two other niches.
As well basically whether it's small baby niche or health and fitness niche there is no shortage of ways of getting traffic to your videos or to your posts it's really is out there for the taking abut I firmly believe that anyone who wants.
To make money blogging, program  can easily do, so even if you're a complete beginner, how do you actually make the money with blog or website let's talk about that for few second so money make a number one for me is ad revenue so that's the simplest way is to just put google adsense ads codes on your written content so to put google adsense code on your created content.
You can do this on your YouTube videos as well as on your created content post let me give you the examples to get in just a second.
So i showed you this example just before each one of my videos that I've got on YouTube has got ads on it alright so as soon as someone tries to watch one of my videos.
They'll be presented with an ad at the start and I get paid for each of those views so that's Adsense money  on YouTube videos.
Adsense on the blog or website is a small piece of code you can very simply insert it into your website or blogs, and it starts displaying ads just like what you can see here so basically anyone who comes to my website one of my other websites.
They will see ads as soon as someone clicks on one of those adsense ads nobody has to buy anything I get paid just for this click it's insanely easy.
It's very crazy crazy easy I make four figures a month from adsense ads revenue you can see here the in the screenshot above that's my pos for the past 3 days.
It's Not that much simply because I haven't actually been making videos I was a holidays for ten weeks but as you can see I was still making quite a bit of money from my post ads  plus all of my other websites are also earning display ads. 
As well it's really really cool money make a number two for anyone who wants to make money blogging is affiliate marketing.
 I've made over five hundred thousand dollars just from affiliate marketing revenue in the past couple of years  I also make money from affiliate marketing from several other platforms.
Basically the way I feel it marketing works is yes you can mention something in your post or in your videos and if someone on clicks that link okay then they go on to a different page and they end up buying it whatever you mentioned .
You get earn paid a percentage Commission so I'm going to show you a couple of examples here.
Here is an example of me man mentioning an affiliate website link on one of my websites on that's hustle I've got a post that talks about side ground which is the blue hosting company that I recommend it's a really really good hosting company that I personally use.
I made this post I'm sharing this post on Facebook I'm also getting some traffic from some other places on to this particular post.
If anyone clicks on this website link each one of those links is actually an affiliate link and they end up signing up for website Ground hosting via my link I get paid a very nice commission here are the results from mentioning side ground on my content you can see that I've been getting paid regular amounts of money regular commissions and that's just one example.
I'm promoting a lot of other types of affiliate products types of affiliate programs the other example of putting affiliate links is on posts. you can see for example that post that we talked about before that has had seventy nine thousand visitor's I mentioned tailwind which is a really good software platform that helps people get traffic from Facebook  and I mentioned.
That here I've just got a link that says get tailwind free trial here bluehosts  as an affiliate link if someone clicks on this and ends up signing up for Facebook by my link I get paid a very nice referral fee so I get a 50 cent commission for anyone. who just signs up on that  and if they end up upgrading further down the track I get paid a 15% recurring a lifetime revenue for as long as that account is active now it's just it's crazy you know I'm making so many sales it really is insane.
Okay so someone upgraded then there are 50 cent commissions someone upgraded again there are 50 cent Commission's someone upgraded again 50 cent Commission's and that's all in the last 24 hours you know there are like 10 to 15 transactions.
that I get just from that every single day it really is as simple as that you basically mentioned something and if you bring in a sale value website link then you get paid it's as easy as that your money make a number 3 with blogging.
View Original whether you do posts on your blog site whether you do on your YouTube is to build an email list it's insanely important to build an email list you need to place opt-in forms offering people to join your build email list everywhere wherever you can you might it might be a bit small but maybe you might be able to see there's .
the very top so I'm currently adding anywhere between 60 to 100 people a day to my email list from my YouTube channel the best tutorial as well as from a blog combined so I've built an email list of about 53,000 people so far and I can send an email and I can send you know hundreds and hundreds of targeted visitors, users to anywhere work anywhere I want so what to my affiliate web site link to my blog post to my youtube videos.
It's very very powerful so you need to put these opt-in a list in forms everywhere where you can run your videos on your blog articles and so forth let me offer you a few of examples here so as you can see on my I've got an opt-in form here on the right-hand side and I think I've got one at the bottom as well if someone likes my created content yeah right that's it I consider taking my free course on traffic generation so see they can so they can either join from here.
Or they can join from this opt-in form or on all of my youtube channel videos I also put in links and get my free traffic course so that also takes them to the opt-in a page that's exactly how I get people to sign up to by my email list so that then I can stay in touch with them send them to my latest new YouTube videos to my blog post as well as to various affiliate programs if I decide to promote something to my email list.
So now you've got the basic knowledge about what it takes to make money blogging so let's just run through the steps if you wanted to start today how could you actually do this so the first thing that you would need to do you would need to choose your best niche then you would need to build a home base or blog website and then you would need to start creating either that text based or video based content so how do you actually choose a your niche well this is slightly outside the scope of this post but I'm gonna put a detailed post from my website link in the last of my post below that you can follow it to find an amazing niche time after time that's the exact steps that I follow with all of the websites that I start up.
Now in general good niches for both posts as well as for website based content are health wealth relationships and family but if you do want detailed guidance on how to choose a your niche then do check out the link in the post.
This way you will be able to visit my detailed posts on that the second thing you'll need to do is to buy a best domain name for your site I recommend bluehost the link to that in the here. I get paid a small commission if you do decide to pick it up through my link I basically can see that detail post here as to how you can buy the a web site domain everything is step by step.
There in the post in the here after you've got your a domain you will need to get hosting and build a website once again there is a detailed post in the this link that take you through step by step if you want to do this exactly how you can go about it personally for hosting like I was saying earlier in the post I personally use bluehost I'm extremely happy with them I do recommend them you can sign up for the site going on hosting via the link in the here.
After all of that kind of is out of the way and you've got your home base set up so you've got your blog niche choice and you've got your home base set up you've got your blog website set up that's when you can start creating the content so that you can actually attract the visitor's and start making the money so I'm going to give you a live demo of a couple of different things so first of all let's look at the live demo of some low competition posts that you can start creating content for your website.
That have extremely very high chance of ranking in 1st page of Google search and bringing you free traffic and making you money I'm here inside the tool that I use it's a traps calm let's say decided to go into the sports niche so to start your keyword research you would just type in diet choose Google United States hit search button and then we will hit here having same terms so that'll basically bring up all of the lower or high keyword terms that contain the word sports as you can see we get 1.63 million results.
So now I need to filter through that so I recommend to go for difficulty under 10% and over 100 search volume that will give you the opportunity as that is very very easy to rank for us so let's put keyword difficulty maximum 10 volume minimum 100 so there'll be a minimum of 100 people checking out that per month And as you can see the we've got a tones of opportunities here
Now we just need to apply this filter as well all right so we've got 11,000 keyword ideas that are pretty much wide open guys you can choose a any of them there are probably even some if you type in keyword difficulty 5 so 5 means that there is almost no competition at all for these keywords alright and you can create a keyword on recipes sports or 1,000 calorie - efforts that vertical sports Mountain Dew well not quite that one maybe  diet recipes there are four point four thousand people searching for football sports how easy would it be for you to create an article.
On that right very easy because you only search other sports and you create your own post almost like these on your own website keyword difficulty is one meaning that if you create an honest article one to at least one and a half thousand views about this you'll be ready to very quickly command the page one sport in Google and obtain tons of traffic onto your website for this so it's just wide.
Open this niche is wide wide open it's very very exciting and very cool so the second type of content that you can create is low competition post now I just want to say that post of course are optional you don't have to make post but post are insanely powerful and I'm gonna give you a live demo of some post opportunities as well so I use this tool called google keyword planer so let's just go with this same example of a similar niche here so if I wanted to look at sports I might be researching something like a football sports so I will just type in sports into this tool and then click search and see then results that come up so I get a bunch of information here so basically the things. that I'm interested in are competition score as well.
As switch volume so let's sort the results by competition score anything under 30 is a good competition score alright so let's look at everything that's under 30 that also has really good search volume as an example if you make a video on kid cartoon
Cartoon cartoon or on kids shopping or kids toys okay so all of these ideas that we just quickly found just like that make for excellent excellent ideas for what you can make video about if you decide to make a blog about kids toy or about kids fashion they have a really good search volume as well as a low competition so if you create a video on those albeit your channel has only a few subscribers you will have a very good chance of ranking your video on page one and getting views are becoming page views then eventually making money from your blogging efforts on YouTube so just to rehash under 30 difficulty according to Verdict you score is good and over 100 search volume that's the filters that you guys should be looking at final recap so how do you actually monetize once you've started creating all of those spice and all of those videos so to monetize you will need to place Adsense ads on your posts after you get 4000 total work hours on YouTube now.
YouTube also will approve you as a partner and you'll start placing ads on your content on YouTube so that you can start making money from your YouTube videos also you'll then plow ahead and place the finit links so simply you know copy what people within the niche that you simply reen do you'll do this research then quite reverse-engineer which programs they
promote and begin promoting an equivalent programs and eventually my final little bit of advice is to start building an email list as quickly as possible  I'm still upset that I did not build an email list back in 2016 when I was making a lot of money and driving so much traffic and the software  niche now if I had built my email list some time past i might have just really exploded my business i used to be too lazy to create an email list unfortunately that's my fault totally and you recognize yeah all I can say is simply build that email list because it really is a very powerful way for you to form tons extra money from your business that's pretty much it 
Guys  thank you so much for read I hope you enjoyed this content and found it useful if you did then hit the share button on this post subscribe to my blog click the subscribe button and also drop me a comment below and let me know what you thought of this post any kind of things that you wanted to share maybe you want to ask me some questions do that just below this post in the comment section thank you so much once again for reading my posts and I'll see you the next one